Leaders- This is Your PLACE



There is a place just for you!

Share ideas and ask questions with other leaders. The forum is moderated by the ReCLAIM team to provide additional support for all leaders.

You will gain access to everything you need to lead a successful group. Your access code is included in your Leader’s Kit.


What You Will Find.




We learn and grow as individuals and leaders through community. This forum provides a place to share and ask questions while connecting with other leaders of the program.





A lot can happen in the context of groups. Bringing different people with different backgrounds and experiences together can lead to unexpected situations. Additional training downloads and videos are provided to support leading a group.

ReCLAIM is a dynamic program that incorporates activities, as well as discussions. This group is not centered around discussion as much as it is focused on growth and newness. Participants appreciate the fun aspect that comes with utilizing resources for ice breakers and activities found in the Leader’s Place.

Additional Info.






Weekly videos provide a broad general teaching. For additional biblical support and learning, more supportive scriptures, teachings and supplemental information for the weekly topics, visit the Leader’s Place.

We recognize the energy and attention it requires to lead a group. It is our intention to support you and encourage you as you pour into the people you are serving. You can schedule a call with the author or the team for more support for yourself.

Need more support on specific topics? Let us know. We are continuously adding more information. Share with us your obstacles, your needs and successes. We are all serving together!

Want to Lead ReCLAIM at Your Church?
Follow the link below for information to share with your church leaders.

Contact us.

We would love to hear from you!

Give us a call and we will answer your questions.

